CAPTION: Family in front of Wah Chong Washing and Ironing, 1895. (Author: City of Vancouver Archives; Usage Rights/ Restrictions: This media asset is in the public domain and free for editorial broadcast, print, online and radio use with attribution.)

CAPTION: Chinese Quarters Victoria, 1886. (Author: Library and Archives Canada; Usage Rights/ Restrictions: This media asset is in the public domain and free for editorial broadcast, print, online and radio use with attribution.)

CAPTION:An illustration from the Canadian Illustrated News, entitled The Heathen Chinese in British Columbia. It depicts Amor de Cosmos forcing a Chinese immigrant to leave British Columbia because he refuses to assimilate, 26 April 1879. (Author: Library and Archives Canada; Usage Rights/ Restrictions: This media asset is in the public domain and free for editorial broadcast, print, online and radio use with attribution.)